Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Short post today...

Here are some pictures of how I've been doing so far this week. As you may know, I am on a week of boycotting FAST FOOD. I am doing great seeing as how I haven't had ONE thing from a fast food joint so far! I don't consider Starbucks fast food because everything they serve doesn't have HFCS or other artificial things! STARBUCKS FTW!!!!! (for the win). I have walk/jogged everyday since Sunday and will continue on until Saturday, or if something comes up. 

I want you to know that I "feel" thinner!!! I am workin' so hard on it all! I also feel more confident!!! (Until I have that before-my-shower-in-front-of-the-mirror moment). Keep working hard everyone! It pays to be healthy! I am exhausted though, gotta get up early to run! I'll try to get a more detailed post in on the weekend...but for right now you will have to be ok with my random pic blogs. :D much love!

(whole grain rice!)
(the ketchup is ORGANIC!)

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