Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm so sorry...

I had something happen in my life that really took my focus off of healthy living for the last week and a half. Please pray for me and my family and pray that I can keep focused during these hard times to take care of myself!!! I need the encouragement and motivation so badly! If you have a kind encouraging word, please know that it is needed and appreciated!

Much love XOXO Sam

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sorry guys...

I wasn't able to run today due to personal family issues. Hopefully I'll be back up and running (pun intended) tomorrow. :(

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

October Challenge Day 2!

Hey everyone! So I just had the funniest and most pathetic thing happen to me this morning....

I went outside, ready to jog. I usually put my keys up on the brick column holding up the front of our house. It's kind of high up so you can't see the top, but I can reach up there and hide my keys! I don't like running with them....well, how the heck was I supposed to know there was a partition or in other words, a dang hole further away from the edge?!!!

So, basically my keys are inside the bottom of this huge brick column and I can't get them :( Needless to say, I jogged, then had to wait for my mom to come back home and let me in! haha

So on Day 2 of the Oct. Challenge I have done over 20 minutes of activity! I ran/walked for 30 mins using the Couch to 5K app on my phone! I really bust up my legs when I push too hard, remember? So, while I was waiting for mom to let me in the house I did some bicycle crunches, and push ups :D AND LOTS OF STRETCHING! My right calf is still aching...

Anyone know what to do for a sore calf that feels like the beginning of a shin splint?!!

Anyway, so update on last night...I was pretty much tempted by EVERYTHING. I was helping a friend out with a HUGE family reunion. I got paid to have eat, chat, and clean basically! My plan was this: I would go ahead and try some of the things that looked really good as long as it was only a spoon full amount. I did that will probably 5 things. Those things made up probably one and a half servings or so. I also had a salad and some of the sausage they had! Everything was SOOOOO yummy!!! :D But here is where I was really tempted...and decided to give in...

Yep. And just like that I had SOME, not all of the chocolate cake, and all of the coconut cream pie. I really cannot say no to coconut cream pie :( 

BUT today I am back on track with everything as the above mentions. ;) I am eating healthy...see?
Much love bloggers! Have a healthy blessed day!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Feel Good!

I mean I really feel good!

I'm really proud of myself! I have stayed mostly on track this week with my jogging and healthy eating!
Yesterday was really really busy and I ended up eating 2 slices of pizza because I really had no other way of eating dinner. BUT they were small pieces and they weren't as tasty as I remember pizza used to be!

As for the Oct. Challenge I ended up doing some bicycle crunches in front of the tv, stretching, and walking to the football game and back home to Bobby's house! So all in all that would account for 20 or so minutes of activity! And I'm really glad I joined up for this!

Oh and by the way! I was worried when I stepped on the scale this morning that I would have gained a pound because of the carbs last night....but NO!

Instead I LOST a pound! YAY!!!!

So as my mom said to me..."I must be doin' somethin' right!"

Now I'm on my way to go help out with a friend's family reunion!!!!
(p.s. I feel good in my shorts!)
Until later...XOXO Sam

Friday, October 1, 2010



WOW. I Just Wanna Say...

Thanks to Syl at LIVE, SMILE, RUN!!!! I have OFFICIALLY accepted (perhaps against my better judgment of promise to not promise) her October Challenge!!!! As I have understood it, the challenge I have chosen to do consists of at LEAST 20 minutes of activity EVERY DAY OF OCTOBER!!!!

Now, usually I walk in the mornings or evenings for almost an hour. But I LIKE my Saturday and Sunday off! I know, I probably should do some sort of activity on those days...maybe I will! Especially with this new challenge! I feel obligated, motivated, determined, and ready to go! I hope you visit her blog and keep up with her progress as well as the many others who have joined in!

Oh, on another note....a bummer one for me :( This morning I was jogging and felt a shin splint coming on. My right leg to be precise. It sucks because now I have to baby it and perhaps not jog for a few days. I will only be able to walk in order to preserve my legs! I run on the road so it's really really bad for me. I could go to the track but I would still have to walk a mile to get there! I should though...haha.

This will be the third time to get shin splints if this actually keeps acting up with my right let. I gotta learn to let up once in awhile! And this is what I think of SHIN SPLINTS: