Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Feel Good!

I mean I really feel good!

I'm really proud of myself! I have stayed mostly on track this week with my jogging and healthy eating!
Yesterday was really really busy and I ended up eating 2 slices of pizza because I really had no other way of eating dinner. BUT they were small pieces and they weren't as tasty as I remember pizza used to be!

As for the Oct. Challenge I ended up doing some bicycle crunches in front of the tv, stretching, and walking to the football game and back home to Bobby's house! So all in all that would account for 20 or so minutes of activity! And I'm really glad I joined up for this!

Oh and by the way! I was worried when I stepped on the scale this morning that I would have gained a pound because of the carbs last night....but NO!

Instead I LOST a pound! YAY!!!!

So as my mom said to me..."I must be doin' somethin' right!"

Now I'm on my way to go help out with a friend's family reunion!!!!
(p.s. I feel good in my shorts!)
Until later...XOXO Sam

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